This is the specification for the reliable event logging protocol, called "RELP".
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2008-03-19
Author: Rainer
Copyright (C) 2008 by Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. Released under the terms of the GNU FDL.
Relp uses a client-server model with (mostly fixed roles. The initiating part of the connection is called the client, the listening part the server. In the state diagrams below, C stand for client and S for server.
Relp employs a command-response model, that is the client issues commands to which the server responds. To facilitate full-duplex communication, multiple commands can be issued at the same time, thus multiple responses may be outstanding at a given time. The server may reply in any order. To conserve ressources, the number of outstanding commands is limited by a window. Each command is assigned a (relative) unique, monotonically increasing ID (called the "transaction number" or txnr for short. Each response must include that ID. Responses must be sent by the server in the exact same order as commands where received.
There is one potential issue with this communications model: In it, the server is able to respond to the client only in form or a response package. It is not capable of issuing a command itself. During normal operations, this does not pose any problem. However, if the server is shut down, there is no way for it to tell the client of its shutdown intension, especially if the client does not send any data at that moment. The same situation arises when the server timeouts a sessions where the client has not sent any data for an extended period of time (this probably is a good thing to conserve server ressources). Of course, an obvious answer to that need is that the server simply closes the connection after having sent all responses (or all that it is still capable of). The client will notice the closed connection at latest when it tries to send new commands. However, it may be worth considering an alternate mode where the server can issue commands to the client. One potential way to do this would be to reserve a specific txnr (0, for example) for this use. That txnr is only to be used by the server and only to send "out-of-band" commands. These commands must not be acknowledged by the client, because that would complicate the protocol more than useful for this case. So out-of-band-commands have a "hint" status - they hint the client about something, but if they do not arrive at the client, nothing fatal should happen. The ultimate session closure indication would still be the tcp session close. [Please see the "High Latency Environment" use case below for some implications this hinting process may have].
For the time being, it has been decided that such out of band hints be not supported.
A command and its response is called a relp transaction. A response must always carry the same txnr as the original command.
If something goes really wrong, both the client and the server may terminate the TCP connection at any time. Any outstanding commands are considered to have been unsuccessful in this case.
If something goes wrong (e.g. invalid framing), the peer that detects the problem closes the underlying (TCP) connection. It may send an error/abort hint, but MUST NOT wait for its response. The reasoning for this is that today's Internet is not a friendly place. Trying to gracefully resolve communications problems may lead to an attack vector. On the other hand, if the problem was of temporary nature, it may be cleared up by the connection reset and a new connect. So aborting errored connections is considered both secure as well as reasonable efficient.
Note: the ability to send abort/error messages depends on the decision of out-of-band-hint-commands (see above).
DATA = [SP 1*OCTET] ; command-defined data, if DATALEN is 0, no data is present
TXNR = NUMBER ; relp transaction number, monotonically increases, starts at 1
#old:COMMAND = "open" / "syslog" / "close" / "rsp" / "abort" ; max length = 32
TRAILER = LF ; to detect framing errors and enhance human readibility
ALPHA = letter ; ('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z')
DIGIT = %d48-57
LF = %d10
SP = %d32
RSP-CODE = 200 / 500 ; 200 is ok, all the rest currently erros
HUAMANMSG = *OCTET ; a human-readble message without LF in it
CMDDATA = *OCTET ; semantics depend on original command
TXNR is as in the relp frame, it is the TXNR of the frame being responded to.
DATALEN is the number of octets in DATA (so the frame length excluding the length of HEADER and TRAILER). Please note that the theoretical maximum (999,999,999 octets) is in (almost?) all cases unsuitable for actual message transfer. Thus, the actual maximum data length is negotiated during session setup. In relp version 1, it is always 128K. In later versions, it shall be operator-configurable.
TXNR 0 is reserved for hint commands. A RELP connection start with TXNR 1. Note that TXNR montonically increases but is latched at 999,999,999. After that TXNR, the next TXNR is 1.
When the server receives an open, it parses the offers, checks what it itself supports and provides those offers that it accepts in the "rsp". The server may send a "rsp" with an empty offer part in case it doesn't like any of the offers. To establish a session, a "relp_version" offer MUST be included in the response. If it is not, the client MUST close the connection.
When the client receives the "rsp", it checks the servers offers and finally selects those that should be used during the session. Please note that this doesn't imply the client selects e.g. security strength. To require a specific security strength, the server must be configured to offer only those options back to the client that it is happy to accept. So the client can only select from those. As such, even though the client makes the final feature selection, the server is dictating what needs to be used.
Note that the connection is only ready AFTER the client has received the "open" response.
ABNF for offer strings
Currently defined values:
relp_version 1 (this specification)
This offer describes the protocol version. It MUST be provided in the open command. It has one parameter, the numerical version id. The intial version is 1. There also exists an experimental version 0, which shall not be used in practice.
This offer describes which commands are supported by the remote peer. Command that must be specified to drive the RELP protocol itself (e.g. "open", "close", "rsp") MUST NOT be specified. Optional commands must be specified. There may be multiple commands specified.
Sample: commands=syslog,eventlog (eventlog is a hypothetical, not yet known command).
Please note that new commands may be specified outside of the relp specification. Also note that if the server response does not include the command the client is interested in, this command MUST NOT be used. The client may then either resort to another, less featured supported command or may terminate the relp connection.
This offer describes the software (library) that is processing the relp protocol. It is an optional offer. The idea is that when each peer knows which software on the other peer is handling the protocol, it may be able to work-around some known software issues. The "relp_software" has two parameters, the first one being the name of the software as it calls itself, the second one the version as it calls itself and the third one being an URL where information about this software may be found. It is suggested that all three parameters are given, but only the first one MUST actually be provided.
... detailling some communications scenarios:
Session Startup:
cmd: "open", data: offer -----> (selects supported offers)
(selects offers to use) <----- cmd: "rsp", data "accepted offers"
... transmission channel is ready to use ....
Message Transmission
cmd: "syslog", data: syslogmsg -----> (processes message)
(indicates syslog as processed) <----- cmd: "rsp", data OK/Error
Session Termination
cmd: "close", data: none? -----> (processes termination request)
(terminates session) <----- cmd: "rsp", data OK/Error
(terminates session)
In this use case, I examine a typical scenario in a low-message volume case. Here, the client is asked to transmit a message every now and than, at a pace of at most one message every few seconds. It may also happen that no message is to be sent for several minutes or even hours. Such a scenario is not as extreme as it sounds - it may, for example, to be used for error notifications, which hopefully happen very infrequently.
In this scenario, the client sends a command, but will usually not receive an immediate response, because client processing is already terminated when the server sends the response packet. Thus, the tcp stacks receive buffer buffers the server's response until the client has another message to send. Then, the client first checks for any outstanding responses, processes them and then send the new message. It is expected that in this scenario, each client invokation will process the past response and send a new packet. The response to that packet will not be processed by the invocation that sent the command but by the next one. So we always have one outstanding response inside the OS buffers. Now consider the server is shutting down the connection due to timeout or due to the fact that it needs to shutdown itself (maybe even on an urgent case, like power failure - the point is it can not wait). On next client invokation, the client finds an outstanding response and processes it. Then, it tries to send a new command. That will fail, because the connection has been terminated. The usual session recovery logic is used to restablish the connection when the server is back online. The command in question is transferred after session re-establishment.
We have a high latency environment that is otherwise quite
(satellite link). We have a high traffic load. To cover this, a large
window has been selected (let's say 1000 messages). Now the client
sends a burst of messages but then has nothing to do and
asleep. Then, the server starts sending acks. These acks are not taken
off the wire by the client (as it is inactive - rsyslog case).
Eventually, the tcp window fills. Thus the server can no longer send
acks. This does not immediately pose any problems, as the server adds
the ack frames to its internal send queue.
If the client comes out of hibernation, it receives all previous sent frames, freeing the server's tcp send window. Thus, the server can continue to send data from its send queue (and drain it). The client, having received the server's acks, will not stall because its own RELP window has been cleared by the acks.
The situation is more complicated if the server intends to shut down while the client is in hibernation. To do so, the server usually sends a "adviseclose" command followed by a "close" command. However, neither of these commands can be sent because the client does not take them off the wire. The close operation is now stalled. The only option left to the server is an unconditional termination of the session. While everything that has already been sent to the client will be picked up by it when it comes out of hibernation, anything left in the server's send queue will be lost in this case. As such, acks are potentially lost. This will lead to message duplication as the client assumes that the frames unacked at time of force-close where not processed (there is no other safe assumption). Consequently, the client will re-send these frames in the next session.
A cure to this situation is to have the client concurrently listen to server requests, e.g. by running a receiver on a separate thread. The RELP protocol does not demand this behaviour. However, it can be used to solve the above server stall. Let's assume this is being done. Do we now have a sufficient guarantee that the server does not stall? Under normal conditions, it is a safe assumption that the client will be able to receive all frames sent by the server. So a buildup of server queues should, if at all, happen only for a short instant. However, if something goes wrong on the transmission line (especially in high-latency cases), there may be a somewhat extended period of time in which the server can not send acks (but only in a magnitude of a few seconds at most). If the server intends to shutdown during such a period, a short timeout may enable it to avoid a fore-shutdown. However, there are still cases thinkable where a force shutdown may be required. These are deemed to be highly unlikely.
It is the protocol implementer's choice if the slight less chance of a server force-shutdown justifies the addition of a background thread to a program that otherwise doesn't need one. From a protocol point of view, a force-shutdown is a valid operation. Also, while it causes potential message duplication, it can not cause message loss.
Feedback on this document and the RELP protocol is appreciated. The RELP mailing list is probably a good place to provide it. Questions are also happily accepted.
Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be obtained from and is also included in the license file (if there is any difference in those two, the one contained in the license file is the one that this work is licensed under).